Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How to Organize Your Kids' Toys

Get your kids involved in this project! Toys can easily take over the house, especially after the holidays when there's a fresh inventory. That's why it's especially important to create good habits for keeping them organized now.

PURGE - Encourage children to give toys they no longer play with to children in need that may not have toys. Once they make the decision to get rid of a toy, put it in a black trash bag so they don't rethink the decision. Rather than making the decision for them, help them make their own decisions. Guiding them through this process will help them develop lifelong organizing skills.

ORGANIZE - Sort toys by category. Place them in appropriately-sized containers and label each one (or use a picture for kids who are too young to read). Teach your children to put away items in the proper container.

MAINTAIN – You may need to show your children how to properly put toys away and enforce the new rules, but eventually they'll maintain your labeling system independently. Teach them to put toys away after they're done playing and before they get a new toy out.

After you've finally met your organizing goals in the living room, put your feet up and relax – Maybe pick out a DVD from your well-organized stack! If you weren't able to get everything done this week, or if you feel overwhelmed with any tasks, please contact us to assist you. We're always happy to help!

Also, don't forget to post photos of your newly clean living room on Twitter using the hashtag #SimplifyIn40Days, and on our Facebook page.

Until next week, happy organizing!

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