Saturday, January 9, 2016

Organize your Home in 40 Days – Week 1

Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are ready to get organized in 2016!

As part of our Simplify Challenge, a 40 day detox program designed to rid your life of excess clutter, we're offering a step-by-step guide to organizing your entire home. We'll send you one email per week, each of which will focus on a different area of your home. Don't worry if you fall behind schedule or become overwhelmed – Simply contact us to get help from one of our professional organizers to guarantee
your success.

This week, we'll focus on cleaning up one of the most forgotten areas of your home – The garage. But before you get started on that, make sure to:

• PUT YOUR DECORATIONS AWAY- If you haven't already done so, put away all holiday decorations so that you're ready to start organizing. As you find items you no longer love and enjoy in your decorations, donate them instead of wasting space storing them yet another year.

• PURCHASE SUPPLIES - It's hard to know what you'll need until you get into the project, but it's always helpful to purchase some general organizing containers in a variety of sizes so that you have what you need on hand. Make sure to keep your receipt so you can return what you don't use.

• GET SUPPORT - Follow us on social media to find others following this program. That way, you can give each other encouragement and support! You can post photos and comment on our Facebook page, and on Twitter using the hashtag #SimplifyIn40Days.

Once you've taken care of these preliminary steps, you're ready to start de-cluttering and organizing your garage! Here are a few steps to help you tackle this cumbersome task:

• PURGE - Pull anything you no longer need out onto the driveway. These items can be sold or donated. If they're too large to carry to the donation center, call Salvation Army or a donation center in your area that offers pick up services.

• ORGANIZE - Now that you've pared everything down to the essentials, it's time to organize. It's best to pick up everything off of the floor, so you may want to install some shelves, hooks or other helpful organizing tools. Put items into categories such as sports, tools, auto, etc. Place small items like nails and screws in labeled containers with individual compartments. Holiday decorations can also be stored in plastic tubs that are clearly labeled. As you sort through items, continue purging items you no longer need.

• MAINTAIN - Always make sure items get put back in their designated spot after you use them.

After you've finally met your organizing goals in this difficult area, pull in your car and enjoy your now-spacious garage! Also, as you're working this week, don't forget to take a break. You'll need to keep your energy up for next week's tough to tackle project – The kitchen! And remember, if you feel overwhelmed with any tasks, please contact us to assist you. We're always ready to help.

Don't forget to post photos of your clean garage on Twitter using the hashtag #SimplifyIn40Days, and on our Facebook page.

Until next week, happy organizing!  

1 comment:

  1. Just wanna say Thank you for your wisdom and guidance! Time management is what I took away from the meeting... My ultimate downfall, working on a plan! Thanks again Cathy
